Aarhus Universitets segl

New visual identity and members in Advisory Board

CBIO has optimized its website. With a sharpened design, it has become easier to navigate and read about the many ongoing activities at the centre. At the same time, new members have stepped in the Advisory Board.

CBIO forsidebillede
Photo: From CBIO's front page. Ida Marie Jensen took the photo, and Josephine Overgaard, student helper at CBIO, made the collage.

The Centre for Circular Bioeconomy at Aarhus University, CBIO, is a broad network that brings together researchers, students, and representatives from industry and organizations, all working toward a biobased and circular bioeconomy as part of the green transition.

Since its establishment in 2017, CBIO has grown to include eight departments and centers at Aarhus University, with each represented by researchers involved in interdisciplinary projects focused on circular bioeconomy, both within and outside CBIO.

The website has now been updated with a new visual identity and simpler design with the aim of attracting and engaging more dedicated people working with circular bioeconomy.

Interdisciplinary project collaborations between research, industry and organizations are a big part of CBIO’s identity, because collaborations drive the shift from a fossil-based economy towards a biobased society.

To bring these partners together, CBIO offers two kinds of membership: an internal for students and researchers at Aarhus University and an external for stakeholders from industry, organizations, and municipalities.  

Collaborate with like-minded affiliates on interdisciplinary projects, receive exclusive event invitations, and participate in our annual CBIO Summit. A membership is for free.


New Members of the CBIO Advisory Board


From the beginning, an Advisory Board (AB) was formed, including members from national and international industries and research organizations. The AB acts as ambassadors for CBIO, providing guidance and strategic advice to the CBIO Steering Group. In recent years, some members have stepped down due to career changes, so we are pleased to introduce the current CBIO Advisory Board, which includes four new members.

The CBIO Advisory Board members includes:

Anne-Mette Sørensen Langvad, CEO, Climate Foundation Skive – New AB member since 2024

Lars Villadsgaard Toft, Chief consultant and manager at SEGES Innovation - New AB member since 2024

Mikael Wraae Valsted, Head of Danish Industry Biosolutions (DI Bio) - New AB member since 2024

David Bryant, Senior Research Fellow at IBERS, Aberystwyth University, UK - New AB member since 2023

Henrik Jørgen Andersen, Senior Executive R&D Advisor, Arla Foods amba, Denmark – CBIO AB Chairman - AB member since 2017

Andrea Kruse, Professor, Institute of Agricultural Engineering, University of Hohenheim, Germany – AB member since 2017

Brecht Vanlerberghe, Chief Research & Innovation Officer, What´s Cooking, Belgium - AB member since 2017

Jan Astrup, Division director at green service, Dalgas (HedeDanmark a/s) - AB member since 2017

Jørgen Holm, External Collaboration Lead - Global R&D, BioMar Danmark - AB member since 2017