Aarhus Universitets segl

Business, citizens and consumers

All stakeholders must collaborate on the transformation towards a biobased society and on circular approaches in the value circle. Nutrients, ingredients, and products move from the field to producers and processors, and finally to the consumer, and then back to the field.

This requires research efforts on questions such as:

  • What products, services, and concepts have most potential in the market and can be developed and tested in an early stage with companies, policymakers, citizens, and consumers?
  • How can different stakeholders across sectors be engaged to collaborate most efficiently towards the sustainability goals of the biobased society?
  • Which type of circular and industrial ecology business models and innovations can create and capture value and have the potential for scalability?
  • How are innovations and ideas on circularity in a biobased society perceived and understood, and how can they be communicated to value chain actors, such as producers and processors, citizens, and consumers?
  • Which role can learning and education of food systems and complex systems thinking play in improving stakeholder collaboration for and societal acceptance of a biobased society?  How do we implement well-designed and proven interventions to support this learning?

The research group

The group can study topics such as innovation adoption, societal acceptance and social marketing of change, stakeholder engagement, entrepreneurship, value propositions and business models, market practices, B2B and B2C marketing, and citizen-consumer psychology, knowledge, and behaviour.


Example of research about citizen understanding of circularity in food systems – through the case of upcycled food.