Aarhus University Seal

GHG Network theme day: Agriculture and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

There is a considerable potential in the agricultural sector to act as a part of the solution to the climate change challenge instead of merely being a part of the problem. Fulfilling this goal necessitates a common platform in the form of a network, where the multiple interactions between biological processes and production systems and a changing climate can be integrated using an interdisciplinary approach. This day is an internal networking day at AU to launch an AU network, the Agriculture and greenhouse gas research network (GHG). Be involved in creating overview and solutions and contribute with posters on new equipment, technologies, experimental set up, facilities and results from your GHG work.

Info about event


Thursday 11 April 2024,  at 09:00 - 15:40


Aarhus Universitet (AU Viborg), Blichers Allé 20, 8830 Tjele


09.00 - 09.30: Arrival, coffee etc.

09.30: Welcome Head of Department Jørgen E. Olesen, Department of Agroecology

09.35: National inventories, farm measurements and technologies by Jørgen E. Olesen, Department of Agroecology

09.50: GHG emissions from the Danish agricultural sector across time by Mette Hjorth Mikkelsen, Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Emissions

10.10: Co-creation to reach a climate efficient agri-food chain by Lisbeth Henricksen, Director of Innovation at SEGES

10.40: Plenum discussion moderated by Tavs Nyord, Senior Advisor at CONCITO

11.00: Break

11.15 - 12.30: Flash talks on new research, projects and methods addressing emissions in national inventories, calculation of farm emissions and technologies.

11.15: Emissions from animal production by Peter Lund, Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences Ruminant Nutrition

11.30: Emissions from livestock systems & manure management by Anders Feilberg, Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering

11.45: Emissions from fields; nitrous oxide by Anne Winding, Department of Environmental Science Environmental Microbiology

• Søren O Petersen: N2O emissions from agricultural soils in Denmark: What we know about emissions and mitigation measures
• Mansonia P. Moncada: Soil compaction and nitrous oxide transport
• Klaus Butterbach-Bahl: The SmartField initiative with a focus on nitrous oxide

12.00: Emissions from fields; carbon by Lars Munkholm, Department of Agroecology Soil Fertility

12.15: Emissions from peatlands by Poul Erik Lærke, Department of Agroecology Climate and Water

12.30: Lunch. Standing buffet, in the hall area - with free time to visit boot stands and posters on posters on new equipment, technologies, experimental setup, facilities.

14.10: Go to break-out room

14.10 - 15.30: Networking on research and development of topics to accelerate the transition of sustainable agriculture

Incentives and barriers by Helle Ørsted Nielsen, Department of Environmental Science - Environmental social science and geography
• Microbiology by Anne Winding
Methods of measurements by Anders Feilberg
Modelling, spatio-temporal scaling and scenarios by Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Department of Agroecology – Center for Landscape Research in Sustainable Agricultural Futures 

15.30: Recap on future perspectives and initiatives by Jørgen E. Olesen

15:40: Safe trip home!


Bodil Hjarvard, bohj@agro.au.dk