Aarhus University Seal

Project portfolio

Starting from 2024

  • Rural BioReFarmeries, Small-scale Circular Green Biorefineries for increasing farmer sustainability and competitiveness and building resilient rural areas (2024-2028), HORIZON-JU-CBE (ANIVET + ECE + BCE)
  • ClimateReach, Grass-based dairy systems – optimizing climate and environmental footprint along the whole feed chain (2024-2028), Innovation Fund Denmark (AGRO+ ANIVET)
  • HOPeS, Holistic organic poultry production to improve sustainability, welfare and product diversity (2024-2028), GUDP (ANIVET+ AGRO+ FOOD
  • PROMISE, Products of Miscanthus - Multipurpose production and use of miscanthus for food, materials and negative emissions (2024-2028), GUDP (BCE + AGRO)
  • GIGA, Maksimal klima- og gødningseffekt af afgasset biomasse (2024-2028), GUDP (BCE + AGRO)

Starting from 2023

  • WIN@sea - Wind Energy and Nature-based solutions integrated at sea (2023-2026), VELUX and AAGE V. JENSEN NATURFOND (ECOS + BIO)
  • OLAMUR - Developing and demonstrating marine multi-use platforms combining off-shore wind energy production and low trophic aquaculture (2023-2026), HEU lighthouse (ECOS)
  • Plant2Food - Open Innovation in Science (OIS)-platform, Novo Nordisk Fonden Grand Solution (FOOD)
  • Green Valleys 2.0 – To support the green transition and production of green protein e.g. for fish feed (2023-2025), Interreg (BCE + AGRO)
  • LactoYeast – fra restprodukt til værdifuldt foder (2023-2024), Forsknings- og Uddanelsesministeriet (Innovationskraft/FBCD) (ANIVET)
  • YeastHealth – Fra restprodukt til funktionel ingrediens i smågrisefoder (2023-2025), GUDP (ANIVET + BCE)
  • GreenP - Greenly synthesized nanomaterials for phosphorus recovering and recycling in agricultural catchment, (2023-2024), Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (AGRO)
  • GreenImpro – Improved business potential by increasing protein quality from green feed protein to food protein ingredients and high quality aquafeed (2023-2026), Grand Solution project, Innovation Fund Denmark. (FOOD + BCE + ECOS + ANIVET)
  • SeaFree – 'Seaweed Synergy’ -Enabling Emission Free Seafood (2023-3026) Innovationsfonden (ECOS)
  • Value4Farm - Sustainable renewable energy VALUE chains for answering FARMers' needs, (2023-2027), Horizon Europe (BCE + AGRO)
  • Stability and functionality of fat in clean label cheese powder (Erhvervs-ph.d with Lactosan) IFD (FOOD)
  • Bread Rescuers - Developing innovative business and consumer strategies to reduce bread waste (2023-2027), Norges forskningsråd (MAPP)
  • CARMA-Green Fuels - Cross Mission Carbon Management (2023-2026), Mission Green Fuels (AGRO)
  • Microwave pyrolysis fundamentals (2023-2025), InnovationsFonden (BCE)
  • Risk assessment of Clostridium spores in residuals from industrial exploitation of intestinal mucosa from pigs. Advisory research collaborative project with LeoPharma A/S (ENVS)
  • ORIGIN- Optimal fodring af økologiske grise til gavn for klima og økonomi (2023-2026), Organic RDD8 (ANIVET)
  • GRATIS- Grønt protein til slagtegrise (2024), Svineafgiftsfonden (ANIVET)
  • Investigation of the Feeding value of white flowered rapeseed (2023), Pajbjergfonden (ANIVET)
  • One crop, two diets – locally sourced feed for cow and chicken from biorefined forage (2023-2025), Norwegian Research Counsil (ANIVET)
  • Biochar as additive for broiler feed (2023-2024), Stiftelsen i Landbruksforskning (ANIVET)
  • BlueGreenFeed - Synergy of blue and green sectors for resilient biomass production and processing to develop sustainable feed ingredients for European aquaculture. (2023- 2025) ERA-NET (ANIVET)
  • Veje til biogent byggeri (2023-2024), Realdania (AGRO)
  • Engage4Wet - Stakeholder Engagement and Sustainable Restoration of Wetlands for Water Security (2023-2026) Swedish Research Council (FORMAS)  (ENVS + AGRO)

Starting from 2022

  • GrassProtein - Increasing perennial forage crop protein yield and increasing biorefining efficiency in order to produce bio economically sustainable livestock feed (2022-2025), Innomission, Innovation Fund Denmark
  • BlueGreenFeed Synergy of blue and green sectors for resilient biomass production and processing to develop sustainable feed ingredients for European aquaculture (2022-2025), ERA-Net
  • MABICOW - Macroalgae bioactives to reduce methane emission from cows (2022-2025), Innovationsfonden
  • Marine virkemidler - Kan ålegræs og tang fjerne kvælstof i havet? (2022-2024), Miljøstyrelsen
  • SMART TANG - Koncept til opskalering af tangproduktion (2022-2026), GUDP
  • ENTRANCE - Eco-efficient pig production and local protein supply (2022-2025), Organic RDD
  • Græs til Grøn Protein Produktion – virkemiddel til beskyttelse af grundvand og overfladevand (2022-2026), GUDP
  •  One crop, two diets – locally sourced feed for cow and chicken from biorefined forage (2022-2025), Det norske forskningsråd
  • Fra marken til byggeriet – Evaluering af biogene materialers betydning for byggeriets planetære grænser (2022-2023), Realdania
  • Fra marken til byggeriet - biogene materialer i en cirkulær tankegang (2022-2023), Rambøll Fonden
  • SkyClean Scale-Up: Pathway to mega-ton scale greenhouse gas reductions by 2030 (2022-2025), Energistyrelsen
  • Danish Korean Blue Bioalliance, Undervisningsministeriet.

Starting from 2021

  • TACO ALGAE -  Total Value Chain Optimization of seaweeds Furcellaria lumbricalis, A bioeconomical ALGAE demonstration (2021-2024), BlueBIO ERANET.  
  • SinProPack - Grass fiber-based paper for sustainable “to-go” packaging products (2021-2023), GUDP. 
  • GrassTools – Tools for improving grassland biomass production and delivering multiple ecosystem services (2021-2026), Innovationsfonden. 
  • GrainLegsGo (icrofs.dk) - Fresh grain legumes for human consumption and use of the straw for biorefining (2021-2024), OrgRDD6, ICROFS.
  • NON-Fûr - Non-Food Organic Resources-based feeds optimised for salmon until post-smolt stages (2021-2023), NordForsk
  • Valuefarm - Turning emissions into revenue streams (2021-2023), Eurostar project supported by the EU Commission.
  • SeaBioAct - Asparagopsis taxiformis for reduction of methane emission from cows (2021-2023), AU Forsknings Fond
  • Opskalering og validering af processer for separering af restsaft fra produktion af græsprotein (2021), Promilleafgiftsfonden for landbrug
  • PlantPro - Accelerating an efficient green consumer behavior transition (2021-2024), Innovation Fund Denmark
  • MIMICA - Scale-up and deployment of Mimica Touch labels (2021-2022), EIT FOOD
  • SinProPack - Grass fiber-based paper for sustainable “to-go” packaging products (2021-2023), GUDP
  • Sludge2Fuel – establishment of a demonstration plant based on HTL technology where wastewater sludge will be processed into an oil base and refined (2021-2024), EUDP
  • RhizoEng - Engineering of the rhizosphere microbiota to enhance growth and make crops more resilient to drought and salinity (2021-2024), MSCA.  

Starting from 2020

Starting from 2019

Starting from 2018
