Aarhus University Seal

Feeds, by-products and feed ingredients

The overall idea in circular bioeconomy is incorporation of green and marine biomasses in a wide range of value chains in an efficient and sustainable way. 

In the area ”Feed and sidestreams”, CBIO carries out research in optimising the use of protein and ingredients extracted from biomass as raw materials for monogastric and ruminant feed.

The research is directed towards the following animal groups:

  • Broilers
  • Egg laying hens
  • Weaning piglets
  • Finishers
  • Sows
  • Calves
  • Cows

For each of these animal groups we use a combination of chemical analysis, digestibility and production experiment to assess nutritional value of the biomass-derived proteins and other feed ingredients. We also investigate positive and negative effects of the products on the quality of the produced animal products, i.e. the meat, milk, and eggs.   

The overall goal of CBIO’s efforts in this research area are to contribute to the development of new feed ingredients fitting into sustainable circularly production systems, and at the same time contribute to improved animal welfare, health and product quality in relation to taste and nutrition. The researchers in this area also work with a new and groundbreaking collaborative concept in which pig and cattle farms have the possibility of using their own biomasses for producing green protein.

Participating science teams and individual scientists: