Aarhus Universitets segl

The XXII International N Workshop 2024: Resolving the Global Nitrogen Dilemma Opportunities and Challenges

Aarhus University has the honor of hosting the next N Workshop. Join us for five exciting days, where we will work towards resolving the global nitrogen dilemma. There will be sessions, keynote speakers, roundtables, and visits to field trials and research facilities.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


mandag 17. juni 2024, kl. 10:00 - fredag 21. juni 2024, kl. 15:00


Lakeside Lecture Theaters at Aarhus University, Bartholins Allé 3, 8000 Aarhus

Organizing Committee:

Diego Abalos (Aarhus University), Jørgen E. Olesen (Aarhus University), Klaus Butterbach-Bahl (Aarhus University) and Hanne Lakkenborg Kristensen (Aarhus University)


• How to increase nitrogen use efficiency

• Reducing nitrogen losses

• Nitrogen recycling

• Incentives for good nitrogen management

• Food systems

• Livestock in agricultural systems from a nitrogen perspective

• Special session: Nitrogen Communication

• Special session: Nitrogen in organic farming – improving availability and reducing losses

Keynote speakers:

Wim de Vries (Wageningen University): Spatial variation in the cooling and warming impacts of anthropogenic nitrogen at global scale

Ute Skiba (UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology): Nitrogen options in Europe and Southern Asia

Laurent Philippot (French Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment – INRAE): Bridging microbial community ecology and N-cycling

Xin Zhang (University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science): Decarbonization in a eutrophic world

Adrian Leip (European Commission – Bioeconomy): The role of nitrogen in the food systems and bioeconomy transformation

Josette A. Garnier (National Center of Scientific Research – CNRS): Towards food and energy self-sufficiency: different degree in circularity

Cecile A.M. de Klein (AgResearch): The role of nitrogen management in lowering greenhouse gas emissions from grazed livestock systems

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 March 2024.